Positioning of the tourist product in the segment of the Korean entry market

  • Gomilevskaya G.A.

    G. A. Gomilevskaya. Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service. Vladivostok. Russia


The article examines the process of market segmentation and positioning of a tourist product in the inbound market in the direction of receiving tourists from the Republic of Korea. The aim of the work is to develop a map of micro-segmentation of tourists from the Republic of Korea
arriving in the Primorsky territory, using the theory of generations. The methodological basis of the work is market segmentation and positioning of the tourist product in the segment of Korean tourists at the regional level. the work uses methods of system analysis, formalization,
classification, periodization, statistical analysis, sociological survey, and modeling. The paper defines an algorithm for segmenting the market of tourists from the Republic of Korea based on the analysis of the theory of generations; the characteristic features inherent in the con-
sumer consumption of Korean tourists are studied; the analysis of the development of the inbound tourism market in the Primorsky territory in the macro segment of Korean tourists is carried out. Based on the author's method of segmentation and positioning, a map of microsegmentation of the market for tourists from the Republic of Korea arriving in the Primorsky territory was developed; the rationale for product positioning in the segment of tourists from the Republic of Korea was given. The scientific novelty of the research is the development of
the author's model of market segmentation and positioning of tourist products based on the theory of generations. The paper clarifies the specific characteristics of generation X and Y of Korean tourists in relation to the classical theory of generations. The practical significance of
the work is to study the entry market of tourists from the Republic of Korea arriving in the Primorsky territory; to develop a micro-segmentation map using data from monitoring the consumer  behavior  of  Korean  tourists  over  the  past  three  years;  to  position  a  regional  tourist
product with the allocation of preferred types of tourism and tourist display objects.
Keywords: inbound tourism, segmentation of the tourist market, segmentation methods, po-
sitioning of the tourist product, generation theory, national characteristics of tourists.